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Interested in the MARC Course?

Learn more about what we do and how you can get involved


Our Story

The Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center (MARC) is a Center devoted to violence prevention, housed on the East Campus of Bridgewater State University (BSU) in Bridgewater, Massachusetts. It is directed by Dr. Elizabeth Englander, Professor of Psychology at BSU, who founded the center in 2004. 

The purpose of the Center is two-fold:  first, create and deliver bullying and cyberbullying prevention programming to K-12 schools based on research; and second, to provide undergraduate and graduate students destined for careers in Education and allied fields with invaluable experiential field opportunities in the area of violence prevention. 

Meet The Team

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Dr. Elizabeth Englander

Founder & Excecutive Director

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Dr. Meghan McCoy

Manager of Programs

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Male Student

Graduate Students

Bridgewater State University

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Undergraduate Students

Bridgewater State University

College Friends

What Do Undergraduates Do?

We aim to give students the tools to make a change in their own school and life with regards to bullying and aggression. MARC undergraduate students play an integral role in this important work while getting hands on experience working with middle and high school students.


What does that look like?

Students facilitate peer leadership trainings with Middle School and High-School Students from all around Massachusetts. Throughout these trainings the undergraduate students will foster conversation with groups of peer-leaders who are beginning to establish their own programs in response to bullying and cyberbullying prevention or social problems in their schools. Undergraduate students will also participate and help create on campus initiatives such as the Youth Summit, Field Day, Dare to Care Rally, and fundraising efforts through candy bar sales and bake sales. Additional events such as participation in after school programs for area schools may also be available.


In addition to the peer leadership trainings, the class meets bi-weekly to provide training, education, and reflecting on the experiences throughout the course. Bullying and cyberbullying, digital citizenship and technology awareness, bystander intervention, transgender presentations, and sexual advocacy are examples of the presentations and trainings that are part of the MARC course.

PSYC 215 - Service-Learning in Psychology

Prerequisite: Consent of instructor

Topics and partnerships with community agencies may vary from semester to semester. However, every semester students will have an opportunity to learn about some topic(s) in psychology, e.g., boys’ development, girls’ development, aging, mental illness, etc., and apply those concepts in work with a community partner.

Ready to Join MARC?

Students must interview for a spot in the MARC Service Learning Course. Once you have completed your interview, you will receive an email shortly after stating if you were accepted to the class or if you should try again next year. If you are accepted, you will be able to register for the course after BSU's regular registration. 


We at MARC work towards being inclusive for all in the work we do. We recognize that bullying often targets those of minority populations, especially for those that are LGBT. We work towards solving issues in schools and creating more inclusive environments across Massachusetts and the country and do our best to see that our students reflect that important diversity. 

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Massachusetts Aggression Reduction Center.  All Rights Reserved. 2018

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